Commodity Forecast Based on AI: Returns up to 21.24% in 1 Month

Commodities Forecast from August 6, 2017 to September 6, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm

Gold, Silver and Oil Prediction Based on Big Data Analytics: Returns up to 5.01% in 14 Days

Gold, Silver and Oil Forecast from July 26, 2017 to August 9, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

High Yielding Commodities Outlook Based on AI: Returns up to 6.41% in 7 Days

Commodities Forecast from July 26, 2017 to August 2, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Commodity Ranking Based on Algo Trading: Returns up to 3.62% in 3 Days

Commodities Forecast from July 28, 2017 to July 31, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Commodity Ranking Based on Deep-Learning: Returns up to 6.95% in 7 Days

Gold, Silver and Oil Forecast from June 14, 2017 to June 21, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Gold, Silver and Oil Forecast Based on Algo Trading: Returns up to 4.08% in 7 Days

Gold, Silver and Oil Forecast from June 13, 2017 to June 20, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Gold, Silver, and Oil Outlook Based on Algorithmic Trading: Returns up to 1.25% in 7 Days

Gold Forecast from May 4th, 2017 to April 11th, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Gold Outlook Based on Big Data Analytics: Returns up to 5.49% in 7 Days

Gold Forecast from May 1, 2017 to May 8, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Commodity Outlook Based on Genetic Algorithms: Returns up to 7.56% in 7 Days

Gold, Silver and Oil Forecast from April 27th, 2017 to May 4th, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Oil Prediction Based on Stock Algorithm: Returns up to 3.16% in 1 Month

Gold, Silver and Oil Forecast from March 31st, 2017 to May 1st, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Oil Outlook Based on Big Data Analytics : Returns up to 3.42% in 7 Days

Gold, Silver and Oil Forecast from April 5th, 2017 to April 12th, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Commodity Outlook Based on Stock Algorithm: Almost 8% Return In 3 Days

Commodity Forecast from March 17th, 2017 to March 20th, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Top Commodities Based on Big Data Analytics: Almost 84% Return In 1 Year

Commodity Forecast from March 17th, 2016 to March 17th, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Commodities Forecast Based on Deep Learning: Over 73% Return In 1 Year

Commodity Forecast from March 9th, 2016 to March 9th, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

I Know First Weekly Review: March 2nd, 2017

On March 1st, 2017, our weekly newsletter was sent out to all our I Know First subscribers, which can be found here. Below, find the I Know First Weekly Review, highlighting the algorithm’s performance for this past week.

Commodity Price Outlook Based on Data Mining: Over 60% Return In 1 Year

Commodity Forecast from February 22nd, 2016 to February 22nd, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Commodity Price Outlook Based on Data Mining: over 60% in 1 Year

Commodity Forecast from February 5th, 2017 to February 12th, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Gold Outlook Based on Deep Learning: Almost 2% Return In 7 Days

Gold Forecast from January 6th, 2017 to January 13th, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.
