Commodity Ranking Based on Algorithmic Trading: Returns up to 9.19% in 14 Days

Commodities Forecast from July 26, 2017 to August 9, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Top Commodities Based on Big Data Analytics: Almost 84% Return In 1 Year

Commodity Forecast from March 17th, 2016 to March 17th, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Commodity Forecast Based on AI: Almost 15% Return In 3 Months

Commodities Forecast from November 20th, 2016 to February 20th, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Commodity Outlook Based on Genetic Algorithm: Over 15% Return In 3 Months

Commodities Forecast from November 16th, 2017 to February 16th, 2017 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Commodity Prediction Based on Machine Learning: Over 21% Return in 3 Months

Commodities Forecast from September 15th, 2016 to December 15th, 2016 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Top Commodities based on Artificial Intelligence: Returns up to 7.09% in 14 Days

Top Commodities from November 17th, 2016 to December 1st, 2016 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Commodities Outlook based on Genetic Algorithms: Returns up to 8.15% in 7 Days

Commodities Outlook from November 18th, 2015 to November 25th, 2016 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Commodity Prediction based on Machine Learning: Returns up to 10.67% in 14 Days

Commodity Prediction from November 13th, 2015 to November 27th, 2016 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Commodities Prediction Based on Data Mining: Over 6% Return In 3 Days

Commodities Forecast from November 9th, 2016 to November 12th, 2016 based on I Know First’s stock forecast algorithm.

Commodities Outlook Based on Pattern Recognition: Almost 10% In 7 Days

Commodities Forecast from September 14th, 2016 to September 21st, 2016. Based on I Know First stock forecast algorithm.

Commodities Predictions Based on Algorithmic Trading: Return up to 86.36% in 3 Months

Commodities Forecast from January 29th to April 29th , 2016 based on “I Know First” stock forecast algorithm.

Commodity Forecast Based On Self Learning Algorithm: Up To 39.29% Return In 1 Month

Commodities Forecast from February 28st to March 28th , 2016 based on “I Know First” stock forecast algorithm.

Top Commodities Based on Genetic Algorithm: Up To 16.92% Return In 1 Month

The Top Commodities Forecast from February 22nd to March 22nd , 2016 based on “I Know First” stock forecast algorithm.

Commodities Predictions Based on Artificial Intelligence: Return up to 8.59% in 1 Month

Commodities Forecast from January 21st to February 21st, 2016 based on “I Know First” stock forecast algorithm.

Commodity Forecast Based on Advanced Algorithm : Up To 34.08% Return In 14 Days

Gold ETF, Physical Gold, SIlver and Oil from january 254th 2016 until 8th february 2016 based on “I Know First” stock forecast algorithm

Commodity Forecast Based On Predictive Algorithm : Up To 6.80% Return in 14 Days

Gold ETF, Physical Gold, SIlver and Oil from january 20th 2016 until february 3rd 2016 based on “I Know First” stock forecast algorithm