Gold News: Prices Remain Relatively Unchanged
Gold News
In the latest gold news: As of December 25, 2016 at 8:18AM EST, gold was trading at $1,133.45 per ounce, down ever so slightly from the $1134.48 at approximately this time last week. About 6 weeks ago, gold was selling significantly higher at $1302.80 per ounce, the high point just before the US Presidential Elections. There has been a declining trend in gold prices since Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. Additionally, last week’s Federal Open Market Committee decision to increase interest rates also drove the price of gold down.
On Thursday, the latest economic data was released showing strong economic growth. Subsequently, gold prices rose ever so slightly, but not enough to offset the declines this week, making it the seventh consecutive week of falling gold prices.
The Canadian Mint and Goldmoney announced that they will be collaborating to create a more seamless method for Goldmoney users to access the Canadian Mint’s gold vault, as well as some other participating vaults. The collaboration will allow Goldmoney users to purchase as much gold as they want from the Mint via the easy to use Goldmoney platform with an added fee of 0.5%.
In a forecast dated December 14, I Know First’s algorithm showed 100% accuracy with regards to its gold predictions in the 7-day long gold prediction as seen in “Gold Prediction Based on Data Mining: Over 2% Yield in 7 Days.” After 7 days, I Know First’s average percent change came out to an impressive 2.35%.